You can see traditions of the indigenous people of the Beskydy and Valašsko region practically everywhere. Typical costumes are used by both young and old people, especially in many traditional festivals and fairs. Your tastes will enjoy the regional specialities. In stylish a 'koliba' (cottage) you can enjoy true Wallachian 'kyselica', wonderful sausages and Wallachian 'frgal'. You may discover sheep and goat cheese from the Beskydy region, potato pancakes with homemade jam, 'škračky' or typical 'kontrabaš'. Do not forget to try the 'štramberské uši' pastry, which are associated with the town history in rather morbid ways. However, they taste wonderful. Beer lovers will surely appreciate 'Trubač' – a non-filtered yeast lager that you can enjoy in the stylish interior of the local brewery. Wallachian 'voivoda' (duke) or dark reeve of Kozlovice which in turn belongs to the brewery of 'Fojtství' in Kozlovice. Water of Beskydy provides the basis for the well-known Radegast with whose production you will get familiar in the visitor centre of the Nošovice brewery.
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