Focused on history and the natural sciences, this trail winds through the most beautiful inhabited ridge of Beskydy - Gruň. It is meant for hikers, cyclists, families with children and seniors – basically all residents of and visitors to Staré Hamry. It can also make an excellent school trip full of understanding and awareness.
We can say that Hukvaldy is known twice. First as a ruin of the Hukvaldy Castle, once the biggest castle in Moravia and second as a birthplace of our famous composer Leoš Janáček, whose natal home is now open as his museum.
T!P High ropes park Tarzanie ( +420 777899888)
Then to Pustevny gap either by chair lift (+420 556835993) or by foot following blue and green mark on Pustevny gap are situated unique folk houses, stylish wooden sheds, observation arbour Cyrilika, statue of pagan god Radegast on Radhošť Mountain (1129 m / 3704 ft) you will find chapel and sculpture of Cyril and Method.
T!P Aquapark Frenštát ( +420 556839303)