The Jiří Raška Memorial jump competitions are not only a great sporting experience with athletes from home and abroad, but they also get your adrenaline pumping just looking at these "flying chaps".
As the first Czech victor in the Winter Olympics, Jiří Raška was elected skier of the century. He trained and competed on the ski jump in Horečky in Frenštát pod Rahoštěm and was followed by his successors Parma, Sakala, Janda, Mazoch and many more. During this event you can go up the jumping towers to see the magnificent views they offer of the legendary Radhošť. You will also get to know a beautiful place called Horečky with its bike trails, and the observation tower on Velký Javorník. The event is accompanied by a rich program for children and adults as part of the festivities on the square in Frenštát in the evening that also feature an awards ceremony.